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Sunday School: 9am   |   Sunday Worship: 10am

The interior of the Lutheran Church

Ministries and Groups

Christian cross with candles on either side.

Serving God’s People

We are blessed to have so many energetic volunteers in the Our Savior’s family—they are the ones who truly serve as God’s hands, feet and heart. Meet our ministry teams and affinity groups, and look for your next inspiration to serve.

Evangelism Ministry Team

This team’s focus is to spread the good news and events at our church and to welcome visitors and new members. Volunteers are scheduled to host the Fellowship Hour after Sunday service, as well as special times for New Member Services. The team will also work to coordinate activities to support our community partner and neighbor, Kenwood Elementary School by requesting donations of school supplies and healthy snacks for the winter break.

Fellowship Ministry Team

This team plans activities or dinners that bring the church together at least every two months, as well as Our Savior’s annual Christmas party. Other events include:

Parish & Staff Ministry Team

This team meets with the Pastor and Music Director to plan the worship services. Church members are recruited to usher, greet, and read scripture lessons. They are also responsible for special services, sanctuary decorating, music, communion at each service, monthly home communion outreach and staff support.

Property Board Ministry Team

This team maintains and improves church property for our congregation as a place to worship, teach, meet, and have social gatherings. They meet the second Wednesday of the month at 1:30 at the church.

Stewardship Team

Stewardship & Social Ministry Team

This team handles budgeting and financial management for the congregation, as well as the congregation’s social ministry outreach in our community and beyond. Outreach activities include the donation of specific offerings, disaster relief funding, and the donation of different personal items through Phil and Andy’s Pantry.

Youth & Education Ministry Team

This team’s goal is to grow with our youth in their Christian faith. They plan educational activities for our youngest members up to seniors in high school. They plan Sunday School lessons September thru May and organize a weeklong Vacation Bible School in the summer. Many other family-oriented activities are planned throughout the year as ways to have fun while learning about our gracious Jesus and His love for us.

Our Savior’s Groups

Our church is also home to groups that meet regularly to share fellowship and laughs centered around specific interests. All are welcome!

Do Day Quilters

This group meets two mornings a month to socialize, share faith stories, and create quilts for local shelters.

Esther Circle

A women’s group meeting the first Tuesday of the month for socializing and bible study from the Lutheran women’s magazine, “Gather.”

Priscilla Circle

This group focuses on fellowship and sharing in a Bible study. All are welcome! Meets at 1 p.m. first Thursday of month.

Vocal Choir

The OSLC Choir performs joyful liturgical works as part of our Sunday services. The group meets once a week for rehearsal.

Bell Choir

This ecumenical bell choir is the combination of three churches, performing here and in the community. Meets every Wednesday.

Bible Study/Book Club

This group meets to study various topics of interest in how they relate to their faith. Currently they are reading and discussing the book of Hebrews. Wednesday mornings at 10:00 at church.

Kids participate in vocation bible school

Vacation Bible School

Children from our Church. who would be starting 1st thru 6th grade, were invited to attend an EWALU Day Camp at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. 3 counselors from EWALU led many of the activities. The children enjoyed music, crafts, games, Bible stories and snacks. Special speakers also shared stories about their service careers. This year VBS was held for 1 week in July from 9-3:00.

A child participates in church services

Noisy Offering

This “Giving” activity occurs during the offering time at service, but donations may be directed to the Noisy Offering at any time. Children carry little pails and come thru the congregation as the other offering is being collected, to gather loose change from those willing to give. Money collected during 2022 from the Noisy Offering was given to Mission of Hope and His Hands Free Clinic.

During the Sunday Service every Sunday.

Each year the money collected is given to local charities.