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Sunday School: 9am   |   Sunday Worship: 10am

The interior of the Lutheran Church


Contributing to Community: Our Giving Initiatives

Our Savior’s is a very generous congregation. We give to many charities, especially within our local community. Two of our best-known philanthropic efforts are known as our “Noisy Offering” and the Phil and Andy Pantry. 

Give Today

Give to Our Savior’s today with our safe and secure online donation form.

Children participate in church services

Noisy Offering 

This giving activity occurs during the offering time at service, but donations may be directed to the Noisy Offering at any time. Children carry little pails and come through the congregation as the other offering is being collected, to gather loose change from those willing to give. 

Money collected during 2022 from the Noisy Offering was given to Mission of Hope and His Hands Free Clinic in Cedar Rapids. Each organization received more than $1,100. 

Phil & Andy’s Pantry

This is used as another way to give back to our community. It was started decades ago when congregation members brought produce from their gardens to share with others . Over time it has changed to collect groceries or other needed items to be donated to local charities.  

‘Tis the season for Giving! During November and December our members are giving in many ways. At the Harvest Sunday on November 19th, many items were given for food pantries. Donations are also being collected for the Mitten Tree and Kenwood Elementary School’s food backpack program. The donated mittens, hats and socks will be given to the Linn County Child Development Center. Easy to prepare lunch and breakfast items are being given to Kenwood for families to have during the time school is closed for the Christmas holiday. Monetary donations for these causes are appreciated.

Our Giving Impact 

Your giving makes a tremendous difference to those in need, both locally and across the nation. In 2022 alone, we donated: 

  • $1,037 to Willis Dady Homeless Services 
  • $1,145 to Mission of Hope 
  • $1,145 to His Hands Free Clinic 
  • $10,900 to U.S. disaster relief 

Anyone wishing to contribute to our church’s general fund or the Noisy Offering or the Phil and Andy Pantry may use the online giving link.